Thursday, July 26, 2012


My sister is using instagram photos to create cards that notify your table number for her wedding. They are a combination of photos I took in the city, and ones she took out at the farm.  Each will be turned into a polaroid-like print out, with a handwritten name and table number on it. I loved every minute of having a part of this.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Summer Days


These summer days have been spent waking up early for morning swims, seeing friends, biking across the city and ice cream treats.  These little moments bring a smile to my face when all seems so hectic. 
I hope your summer is bringing you smiles.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Skin

It's official!  This month, Chelsea asked me to join her on an adventure by helping out at Summer Skin!  I make bracelets, but we also sell necklaces, crop tops and tanks for guys and gals.  It's so much fun working with my hands creating something with love for everyone to share. 

Working with friends, having fun, and spending the summer doing something creative is incredible.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

a sneak peek

My friend Chelsea has asked me to join her on a summer adventure.  We are in the midst of making a formal announcement about everything, but here's a sneak peek on the process.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Growing Up, Or Something Like It.

This past year has taught me a lot about myself.  It's been really difficult, really crazy, and really really amazing.

Growing up has always been this imaginary world that I've daydreamed about, as everyone does. It never felt like it was going to happen, like a recurring dream that was always changing. Fantasies of far off cities, of adventures, boyfriends, of rags and riches. Something I could read in a book or watch in a movie.

I always have felt that I will never be an "adult" until I made a major change in my life. But it's suddenly hit me that that's not true.  I look around at my friends, at my peers, and I can see that we're all growing up. All in our own ways. I was meeting with a good friend recently, one whom I hadn't seen in ages and he said to me, "You know, after being away from everyone for a while, I've really seen that we have started to look our age. Like adults." That's something so foreign to me.

I've always been the younger one. Younger sister, youngest friend. It's just happened that way. Yet I've never felt it. I felt like I was their peer but I never looked the part. You know in high school, when you're a freshman and you look at all the seniors and you think "Wow, I'll never be that cool or look that old". That's how I feel most of the time. But recently I've realized that i'm there too. These people, my friends, we're all in the same boat. We're on this crazy voyage together. I see myself standing next to them now, not behind. And I don't know if that's exhilarating or totally terrifying but I'm going with it.

I'm certainly not an adult financially, I not done university, I live at home and I'm a total slob, but something in me sees that things are changing. I don't know what it means, but I get it. I get that I'm growing up. I get that I don't need an answer right now.  I don't need to keep putting in my head that once I make some major change, I'll be an adult. No, I'm here right now. I have so many opportunities, so many amazing friends, so many awesome memories and chances to make more.

It sounds cliché, and you may be rolling your eyes, but this is fucking crazy to me. I'm growing up, and every step I make is my own choice, and will lead me to my own future. And at this point, anything and everything can happen, so I might as well stop FREAKING OUT so much and just keep going.

Life is too exciting to wait for it to happen.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day in Instagram

This year's Canada Day Weekend was one of the best I've ever celebrated. So many good friends, great music, awesome sights and fun times were had.
Although it was hot as hades, the street festival was fantastic as always. Festival season in this town always brings such a smile on my face. It has that big city charm and yet everywhere you look, there's someone you know.

After the sun went down, we watched the fireworks from one of the best views in the city. I am so grateful for the friends I have and the memories we share.

There will be more photos posted over the next while as I develop the film. Happy Canada Day everyone!